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Student-Parent Peer Ambassadors
Student-Parent Peer Ambassadors (SPPAs) are student-parents whose job is to function as peer navigators for other student-parents to find resources, answer questions, and get customer support, as well as personal and social support, at Sacramento State.
Historically, SPPAs were volunteers who agreed to share their stories as Sac State students-with-children to help build the community, and serve as the voice of students-with-children to campus leaders. To read about our historic SPPAs, please view the Historical Student-Parent Ambassadors List.
Meet Our Current Student-Parent Peer Ambassadors
See their responsibilities and contact information below. Our email:
MA, Communications
- 1:1 advising
- Advocacy
- Village Building Initiative
BA, Sociology
- Pregnant Student Liaison
- 1:1 advising
- Student-Parents Scholars United